I sit alone in my office today and reflect on the week past. As I do, I recall the striking moments of celebration at recalling the Resurrection of our Dear Lord. His glorious new life calls each of us forth from darkness into a new reality that is often beyond our understanding or belief. The Resurrected One, however, is more than just calling us into life from his throne on high. He is inviting each and every one of us to recall the great love and mercy that is out poured upon us in our daily living. As Risen people, we are called to do more than just remember Christ's Resurrection, we are to make it real in our daily living through the life that we participate in and in the blessings we share with others. This is Divine Mercy, a gift that is freely given to each of us out God's great love, a love that can even break the bonds of death. In this celebration of Divine Mercy, we are also called upon to be mercy for those around us that need a real touch of Him who is Mercy, Christ. In reflecting on what Divine Mercy means in today's world, I keep coming back to the thought that mercy is becoming more and more aware of the significance of Christ's Resurrection in my life, and allowing that knowledge and love to overflow from ourselves, not because we MUST do so, but because we cannot help but do so. In knowing the Resurrected one more and more, our hearts yearn to know and love Him more, and out of this love, we cannot help but call other to the same love we have known in Christ. It is truly an "oozing" onto others as we know Him. It is proclaiming to the world that He is Risen, and in his Divine Mercy, I now live! May we each live, love and know Him more and more as we proclaim God's Diving Mercy in the cry of joy "Alleluia, Christ is Risen!" God bless you all and know that I love you. Fr. Rick