09 June 2012

Most Holy Bod and Blood of Christ

Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.  It is a fancy and long title in which one can easily lose interest or lose one’s train of thought.  There can be no doubt, that this is a mystical and joyous celebration of Christ entering our lives in a very real and profound manner, especially in the Eucharist.  This celebration, however, is far more than just a recognition of Christ in the Eucharist.  In many ways, the solemnity we live today is one in which we are reminded once again of God’s immense and everlasting love for each and every one of us.  And in the Eucharist, we are shown once again the power that God’s transformative love has in our lives.  Think about it, in the very simple gifts of bread and wine, Christ is revealed to us!  In the very simple gifts we bring, we encounter God, we encounter Him who is our salvation, Him who is our very life!  As we come together, this year, however, I cannot help but bring to mind some of the challenges that we are facing in our society today.  In many ways, the different dilemmas that we are facing today, are blatant proclamations attempting to convince us that we are human beings are nothing more than one vote, one choice, one this, one that.  More and more, we are being told that this very real presence of Christ can be Him or not depending on what safeguards our sensibilities, and worse, today, as the dark cloud of the HHS mandate looms over us, we are being told by the government itself just when and where we can believe.  Thinking about this, also reminds me of our many brothers and sisters who in their own ways have given up their very lives for the defense of Christ present in the Eucharist, and it calls me to an honest reflection of who I am, and in what I believe.  No!  This is not just a cookie and wine!  No!  This is not just something that happens in Church!  No!  You will not tell me what is moral and what is not!  Truth is not optional and life is not a choice!  Life is precisely what the Eucharist is, Christ!  And in our daily journeys we are called to live so as to become our prayer, so as to become what we believe, so as to become Him in whom we believe.  Only then, will the world know who Christ is, because after having received His Most Holy Body and Blood, we bring Him into the world, beyond our churches and there, His Truth, His Life and His Love will prevail, even in the face of those who long ago turned away!  God bless you  and as always, know that I love you.  Fr. Rick