09 January 2016

The Baptism of the Lord

Readings Here.

Greetings to you, and God's blessings!  Today we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  This celebration is significant because it marks a new begining.  Just as Christmas marked the miracle of God taking on flesh, we now see God take another step in His wondrous love.  A professor once spoke of Jesus, clean and free of sin, going into the waters of the Jordan, not to be made clean as we understand it through our own Baptism, instead, by Jesus, clean and holy, going into the dirty waters, he makes the waters pure so that when I, sinner that I am, step into those waters, I too may participate in the new life that God's love promises me.  Jesus had no need to be Baptized, instead, His baptism was another radical step in proclaiming God's love because by His taking on our sin, he reminds me that each one of us is redeemed.  By Jesus being called "the chosen one" I too then participate in something that I could never have fathomed.  Christ is Baptized so that I may live.  And so I celebrate this Feast in awe and wonder because just as it is amazing to think that God took flesh and became vulnerable for me and you, it is amazing to know that in His great love, He took on my sin to make me whole.  I am no longer afraid, I am not longer alone, and sin is no longer my end.  Instead, I am called, I am God's and I am redeemed, I too have been called "chosen" and in my life, my call is made real in my love.  May we all love as we have been loved and in our journey, may we know that God's love and grace make us worthy and beloved children of our glorious God!  Know that you are beautiful and that you are loved.  Happy Feast Day!  Fr. Rick

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