04 February 2012

Walk into the possibilities!

I just finished celebrating mass tonight at St. Ann's Parish in Midland, Texas.  It was quite a unique experience since this was the first time I ever really celebrated a Sunday mass here.  And on top of that, I sang the mass parts!  As I celebrated today, I was particularly touched by the beauty and elegance of the mass, but also by the power it possesses.  As we come together, we, the community, are reminded that the communion we share is food for the journey, and witness to a moment in which past, present and future stand in the midst of Christ, Emmanuel!  The readings this week remind us of poor Job and his sufferings, but they are also contrasted by Paul and his yearning heart that proclaims to the world the Good News of God's love.  In the Gospel we see also the possibilities of allowing God's transformative and saving love to enter our being.  Upon doing so, we undergo transformation and are never the same, and even when we sit with Job, we sit in confidence that even in this moment, God is acting and I will be alright.  So as I go home for the day, I go hoping that my journey may be one of walking into the possibilities that God has in store, even if Job is right there with me!  Be blessed and know that I love you all.  Peace.  Fr. Rick.

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